Recategorize Your Student Group

All Category 1 groups in their second semester of operation are eligible and encouraged to apply for Recategorization. Our primary consideration in this process is determining how much your group has grown as well as demonstrated effort and interest.

All Brown undergrads are eligible to apply to create new student groups. The process is relatively simple and involves filling out an online application followed up by a brief conversation with a Student Activities representative.

Applications for the 2024-2025 school year are now closed.

All decisions will be sent out 2-3 weeks after the submission deadline.

Follow the steps below and reach out to our Student Activities Committee ( or the Student Activities Chair ( for any questions!

Steps to Recategorize Your Group

  1. Make sure your constitution is up to date: See the sample constitution. All group constitutions must include the following:

    • Name of the organization (REQUIRED)Statement of purpose (REQUIRED): include nature of departmental, administrative, legal, religious, political, or financial affiliations without which the organization would not exist

    • Description of membership (REQUIRED): copy verbatim from the sample constitution (above) and add where applicable

    • Description of structure of leadership (where applicable): officers must be currently enrolled full-time undergraduate Brown students.

    • Election of Officers (where applicable)

    • Organizational financial responsibilities (REQUIRED): copy verbatim from the sample constitution (above)

    • Description of duties of official advisor (where applicable)

    • Amendment procedure (REQUIRED): refer to template constitution (above) for sample language and change based on student group needs

    • Member Dismissal (REQUIRED): refer to template constitution (above) for sample language and change based on student group needs

    • Anti-Discrimination Clause (REQUIRED): refer to template constitution (above) for required language

  2. Collect member signatures by including members’ full name, class year, and email in a spreadsheet

    • You must obtain at least 15 signatures

    • The collection form can be digital or physical, but it must include all three fields listed above

    • The SA Committee reserves the right to contact these members to confirm their membership

  3. Submit the Recategorization application (opens mid-semester)

    • Once you have completed all of the above steps, you are welcome to submit the Recategorization application

  4. Meet with your Student Activities Representative

    • SA Reps are automatically assigned based on your group’s type. Check the list of reps below to find out who yours is.

    • Your rep will reach out once the application is submitted, including updated constitution, roster, and answers to the questions on the application

    • SA Reps are a resource to help make sure your application doesn’t have holes in it and is as compelling as possible once it’s brought to committee

2023-24 Student Activities Representatives

IMPORTANT: Applicants must meet with their SA Rep, they will reach out to you once your application has been submitted. Submitted applications will not be considered if the group does not meet with an SA Rep. Contact the SA chair for non group-type specific questions or if you have not heard from a Rep!

Student Activities Chair
Tommy Medlin ‘27

Student Activities Representatives
Yohanna Cuello ‘26

Connor Kim ‘26

Salomé Noufele ‘26

Neil Stringer ‘27

James Emans ‘28

Yirhim Kim ‘28

Sabrina Liu ‘28

Sarah Wafa ‘28

Jessica Weissman ‘28

Undergraduate Finance Board Liaison

Naomi LeDell ‘26

Example of a Great Recategorization Application from Brown Rocketry:

Since your group was created, has your group's mission or purpose changed?

No, Brown Rocketry's Purpose remains to inspire the educational growth and interest of Brown University Students in rocketry both as a career and a hobby by the means of designing and constructing various rockets.

Describe specific events or projects your group has undertaken. Please provide as much detail as possible (i.e. event turnout/success, funding, etc.).

Brown Rocketry has created over 20 model Rockets, alongside, creating two HPR Level 1

rockets with another HPR Level 1 in construction. This fall, Brown Rocketry under went a launch of three model rockets and one HPR Level 1 rocket at a launch site overseen by the Rhode Island Model Rocket Association (RIMRA). All of the rockets had successful launches. The HPR Level 1 rocket reached a height of 2000 ft. with a successful chute release system that deployed at the desired 300 ft. This successful launch will allow our club to be HPR Level 1 certified. Thus, in the coming semester we can begin construction of a HPR Level 2 rocket. Funding for this event came from both the School of Engineering and from UFB. Finances from the School of engineering supplied Brown Rocketry with the $104.94 HPR Level 1 Rocket that was launched and the $141.52 chute release system, while UFB finances the purchases of the $12 model rocket motors and the $73 dollar model rockets.

Please describe what funding your group requires and your previous attempts to raise funds, if any.

Brown Rocketry needs funding for multiple different expenditures. One of which is the purchase of HPR rockets. These rockets range from $100 to $300. Another activity where funding is required is transportation. Funding is required to fund the mileage that is needed to drive to the launch site. As for other launch specific funding, Brown Rocketry needs funding for RIMRA memberships ($15 per person), Rocket motors for model rockets($12 per 3 motors), HPR Level 1 rockets ($30-$55 per motor), and HPR Level 2 rockets ($100-$150), RIMRA's cost to launch HPR rockets($40), and National Rocketry Association (NAR) Membership ($30) in order to launch HPR rockets. Brown Rocketry has two funding sources: School of Engineering and UFB.

What does your group plan to do with the increased funding from UFB?

With the increased funding, Brown Rocketry plans to have three more launches in the spring. Additionally, we plan to purchase another HPR Level 1 rocket and NAR memberships, so that new members can also acquire certifications. Furthermore, Brown Rocketry plans to design and construct its own rocket from scratch, rather than purchasing a kit to assemble, so materials for such a project will be purchased. To launch all of these rockets, we will also require funding for motors as well as the cost to launch per rocket with RIMRA.